Wednesday 26 March 2008

Ramble On including the Bonzo's and Tangerine Dream

The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band are brilliant. So funny. They're that beautiful psychedelic kind of humour. The stuff that the Pythons developed from. But the genius thing is that they have this 1920's vaudeville sound as a band with these surreal and ridiculous lyrics going over the top. Nothing better on a chilly day. This clip is them doing 'Hunting Tigers Out in INDIAH' on Do Not Adjust Your Set. Fabulous.

Sorry that there is a slight shortage of new things to talk about at the moment, but I am rather cash strapped and so haven't bought anything! Mainly I have been enjoying Neutral Milk Hotel again, New Order and Lou Reed. Three things that I have always liked and I imagine you do to! If not, you would probably disagree with a lot of the things I say in this blog! Also currently getting some serious deck time is a Tangerine Dream box set of live bootlegs that is great. Not sure whether you need all 7 concerts ranging from 1974 to 1975 but it's still an excellent listen, one show at a time. The set from Bilbao is my personal favourite. Other than that, gearing up for revisiting Björk's back catalogue again as I am seeing her when she comes to London in April. There will be a full review of that show on here by the Wednesday afterwards. She is excellent, so I am looking forward to that. I have seen some stills of her new video which looks amazing. I think I'll tag some of them onto the end of the live review next month, as well as posting new single 'Wanderlust'.

Thought I'd pop on a track for you all that I have been playing far too much lately. It's 'Age of Consent' by New Order, off the 'Power, Corruption and Lies' album. It's brilliant. Probably my second favourite New Order track, after 'Ceremony'.

Anyway, thanks for reading this ramble!
Currently listening to 'Power, Corruption and Lies' by New Order

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